Friday, May 7, 2010

Bill aka "McGuyver"

McGuyver Bill & Misure Bill and George.
Hi all here is an update on Bill and his ongoing battle with Cancer of the Esophagus. As you can see McGuyver here is good at multi-tasking! I have a cast on my leg, so Bill is my Chauffeur at the present time, he is feeling pretty "ok" being off his Chemotherapy, so he is able to do a bit more and get out to "watch the world go by" as he puts it. We were at a friend's retirement party recently and we got a picture with Bill's best buddy George. It was nice to see some of his firemen and women friends. Bill's son was out for a short visit and that always makes him happy. Bill is able to take fluids at home presently and that helps his stamina. We stopped the Chemo for his body to get some needed rest, they will re-check him by CT Scan in another month and decide if he goes back on treatment? Days go by and we are already four months into the window of time they gave him, let's hope we get a lot more time. It seems as though the treatment is doing it's job and the adjuvant therapy is working some. He has lost more weight and most of his hair so he probably looks more ill on the outside, but it is the inside we are concerned with. Life moves on and we are doing the best we can. We have a new Granddaughter "Zoe" born in March, and a new Grandson "Cash" coming at the end of June, we would like to be there for that...
Pray for all of us to keep our Misure Bill around, by the way "Misure" in our language is Mr., but to a our 2 year old granddaughter, that is how it is pronounced! :)