Monday, December 28, 2009

More News

This is what you do. You close the store, and live the life you have left. Nothing is more important. Our life has been changed, and we are going to make the most and best out of what we have. The store is officially closed and listed through Coldwell Banker Commercial Real Estate. We have one last gift of donation to the Opera House on New Year's which we will fulfill, and we also we be attending their event that evening. So thank you to everyone that cared and became part of our journey. We had some great young ladies that worked for us and became part of our family. We met some wonderful people along the way. What we leave behind are the memories and cherished ones, but we will make more in the days to come. and those will be the best of all. So pray for us on our journey, and we will continue on for as long as we can just being together. We are extremely sad to end it this way...


Robin said...

We are praying for you and wish for only the best.

robin and bill said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.